
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

{Creationz} Clippies!

So, I have shown you a few pics of some cute things but now time for some "Creationz"! 
I made these clippies but wouldn't just call them clippies.  I sneak them from my daughter's collection too and wear them in my hair, and clipped to my shirt or a scarf or my purse......endless!!  I think they are way to pretty to just call 'em "orange clippies" so....I think I will name them!! These will be "Grace" in honor of my daughter Graciela who has taken every one I've made and wears this one every single day! {xoxo} Hopefully these will be in the shop soon!  Here's some more pics!

Maybe I will call these "Sunny" {lol} ???


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