
Monday, November 15, 2010

Thanksgiving Placecards

Today I'm here to share some placecard ideas for you. {Remember if you don't wanna do placecards you could always use them to "label" your dinner buffet or dessert table, etc.}

Both of these beautiful pics are from Better Homes & Gardens.
The top pic would be a great way to do your napkins rolled up with all the utensils inside for your guests and instead of a name you could just write "thankful" or "give thanks" on the tag. {be creative!}
The bottom picture could be used as inspiration for your holiday decor or for a centerpiece. Use a glass bowl or a cake stand, throw in some nuts or small pine cones, a pretty piece of fabric in place of the napkin, then your pumpkin and leaves and there you go!!

Isn't this little guy cute? Find him here at Parents Magazine.
 I would love to put him on the kiddie table even just as decoration!

Look at the turkey placecards/coloring books on the plates!
Me and my kiddies made these yesterday just for fun. They are sooo cute! We just did ours in white so the kids could color the outside too. You can find the instructions and template on Martha Stewart and it has the templates and info for the tablecloth as well. Make sure to check it out!


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