
Thursday, August 11, 2011

{Creationz} Back to School Countdown

Two posts in one day! Someone pinch me!! lol :o)

Anyway, I'm back with another post to let you know about something else I have been busy with
and that is getting my baby ready for Kindergarten! :o(  I actually think she is ready so much!
 I have been blessed to be able to stay home with my kids from shortly after the time my daughter was born and I can't even begin to imagine how my day will be without my little princess. (yes, I know she's not leaving the country ...just humor me here!)
BUT!.....Before I get all sappy, I wanted to share with you a little countdown we are doing.
 I bought a few little things, wrote a few poems, and threw this together the other night. As you are reading this today, our little countdown board will say "4 days" {YIKES!!!} So, the bulletin board is kind of our centerpiece on the table and off to the side I have an apothecary jar filled with my little dollar store finds wrapped in black paper with a number written in chalk. Attached to each gift is a little poem and opening the little surprises is our morning ritual now until school.

(p.s. I know "you" and "school" don't rhyme! Just work with me people!)

What are you doing to get ready???


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